Geez, where did the month go? It’s nearly the end of December, and I never did a quick summary post for NaBoBiMo!
Well, part of that is that I wound up working my first two craft fairs (which went great!). And part of it is that I fell short of my goal, and who likes looking back over not making a goal? Not me!
Anyway. The finally tally was: 16 books (plus loads of prep for the other 14) over about 30 hours. That means it takes me under two hours to do a book, which is pretty awesome! Plus, I learned exactly how much each needs in the way of materials and how many books i can feasibly do in a month without making myself crazy or giving up my social life. (Which also means I learned that I can do more if I do give up my social life!)
I count NaBoBiMo 2012 as a success, if only because I made way more books than I have in any previous month. Go me!